George Bailey

George Bailey- Sensory Friendly Bed for Kids - zPods

Why is a sensory friendly bed important?

Sleep. Often taken for granted until it's not available. Then it becomes the most important thing in the world. I should know. My daughter has a sleep disorder and can go months without sleeping at night. When you have two disabled children and one is up all night and the other is up all day and you add work on top of that, lack of sleep will slowly drive you bonkers. While sleep is vital to the development and growth of your children, as parents, we know that if they don't sleep... we don't sleep. So a child's sleep helps not only the child, but more than likely, every person in the household as well.

It is because of this that we are excited to be interviewing George Bailey, who has created a sensory controlled space on top of a bed to try and help individuals experiencing sleep disorders. Constantly evolving, his zPods have a new made-in-the-USA version coming out this summer. They have turned out to be a calming personal space for many people already. Tune in to this episode as George gives us an insider's look at the zPod and tells us what it's about and how it helps. Keep checking in as zPods and the Autism Today Foundation partners with locations across North America where our viewers might be able to experience the beds themselves before purchasing it so that they can invest after they know it engages their child. And as a bonus, more and more local governments and insurance companies are financially supporting the purchase of zPods. We'll keep updating our website as news of this develops. Stay tuned, stay happy and stay kind!

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